023. Spider-man Blues Promo Wallpaper

This is entry 06.
PD: The girl in the picture is not Mary Jane but then, Who is she?
Labels: Spider-man: blues
Who am I? I'm JSM, a 21 years old Spanish boy who is studying Architecture. What is this? This is a little web where I upload my art, paints and sketches. Welcome!
Labels: Spider-man: blues
Labels: Spider-man: blues
"Patty, the Gathering"
The New Adventures of Superman is a fan-fiction comic I'm drawing nowadays. This three pages are starred by Jor-El who is telling Lara the history of Krypton.
"Fire and Fate" is a 2-pages comic based in one Isaac Asimov's Tale, "Hellfire."
Logo Design:
This logo was designed to be the background of a Spanish comic news blog. It is the Daily Planet Globe.
Character Design:
The Archinauts: Cripta, Démeter and Thalia.
One month ago I was ask to do a little flash application. It was decided that it has to be a Mortal Kombat homage. Pictures 1 to 3 are sketches about authentic characters in MK games: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Liu Kang and Kano. Pictures 4 to 12 are the MK homage Characters for the application, called AC.
Jor-El and Lara for the fan-fiction "Superman, the New Adventures." Scratch for "Patty, the Gathering." Doctor Doom. Several characters of Marvel (Soldier-X, Venom, Changeling, Joseph, X-man, Magic, Maggot and Blink). Several characters of DC comics (Superman, Batman, another Superman, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman). Sketches for a fan-fiction, Urban-X, starred by Gambit, Rogue, Jubilee, Wolverine, Madrox, Wolfbane, Havok, Annie & Carter and Lucas Bishop.
These are the first four pages of the second "the Power." Absolutely different than the first one, there are no superheroes, it's a tale about magic and legends in
This Comic, "Imagina", was the presentation for an architecture proyect I did.
This Comic, "Mi Revolución", was also the presentation for another architecture proyect I did.
Logo Design:
The first one is a logo for a fan fiction. The second one is for a book, "Zomecs 2." Both of them are unpublished.
Character Design:
This are the sketches for a fan-fiction project starred by a Justice League in the year 2099. They Are Wonder Woman, Batman, Clark Kent, Bruno Lapham, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Plastic Man and Superman.
The first "the Power" comic was rename into "los Vengativos." The idea behind was a little different and requires a similar but darker design for the characters.